Every year Academic Calendar is notified normally in the month of April or May. The final shape to the same is given after meeting of representatives from Himachal Pradesh University, Directorate of Higher Education and representatives of teaching community. Due attention is given to all aspects including number of teaching days, examinations, vacations, declaration of previous results and weather etc. Once it is prepared it comes out in the form of notification from the Secretary Higher Education and followed by all the colleges of Himachal Pradesh affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University in letter and spirit. If need arises after discussing the matter with all stakeholders and authorities minor changes are made in the calendar.
Under the aegis of the notification of the the academic calendar each college prepares its own Academic/Activity Calendar which is generally part of college prospectus/information Handbook and also uploaded on college website. Rajkiya Kanya Mahavidyalaya Shimla has a long tradition to make its Annual Calendar as a part of its prospectus for the ready reference of all stakeholders.